Build Muscle With Diabetes

How To Build Muscle With Diabetes

Diabetes occurs when the pancreas produces very little or no insulin or when the body develops insulin resistance.

Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar. It lowers the amount of sugar in your bloodstream.

In this post, we will get to know how to build muscle with diabetes and overcome the fear of diabetes.

Types Of Diabetes

  • Type 1 diabetes: Type 1 diabetes occurs when the pancreas fails to produce insulin.
  • Type 2 diabetes: In type 2 diabetes your body cells become resistant to the action of insulin and your pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin to overcome this resistance.
  • Gestational diabetes: This type of diabetes mainly occurs during pregnancy when the body becomes less sensitive to insulin.
  • Prediabetes: Prediabetes means that blood glucose is higher than usual but not so high as to develop diabetes. People with prediabetes are at risk of type 2 diabetes.

Life With Diabetes

Before going deep into muscle building with diabetes, let me clear some misinformation related to diabetes and diabetics.

  • People diagnosed with diabetes can’t do certain things that a non-diabetic can do.
  • They should eat only diabetic foods.
  • Not allowed to play all sports.
  • They are more likely to be ill.
  • All types of diabetes are the same.

Firstly, let me clear one of the biggest misleading thoughts that people are suffering from diabetes. They are not suffering, they are living with diabetes.

People with diabetes have to change their lifestyle and activities a little and the newly developed habits make them more healthy and disciplined.

There are people out there who have achieved the greatest heights in their careers and have become a great inspiration and motivation for others despite being diagnosed with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

So, people with diabetes should not care for these myths and misinformation and lead their life with motivation and positivity.

Build Muscle With Diabetes

There are some problems faced by diabetic people : 

  • Uncontrolled diabetes
  • The high blood glucose level
  • The mental stress of diabetes

Let me tell you that you can conquer all these problems once you will start working on your body.

Before starting muscle building you have to develop your mindset and remove all the negativities people have filled in your brain.

You can achieve your goal of muscle building if you consistently keep yourself motivated and positive.

Having diabetes won’t stop you from building muscles. However, it’s wise to follow some precautions when it comes to gaining muscles.

You should include a diabetes specialist, nutritionist, and physical trainer in your training program.

You should take care of your medication and track the blood sugar level results during workouts and maintain your training program according to that.

There are 3 things most important in building muscle :

  • Strength Training
  • Proper Nutrition
  • Recovery

Strength Training

Strength training is the key to building muscles. It doesn’t matter whether you are diabetic or non-diabetic, you can build muscle with diabetes. 

Your health care consultant will also advise you to do strength training. If you are going to build muscles, you have to lift heavy weights. 

Few things are important if you have made your mind to grow your muscles:

  • Talk to your doctor and health care team before lifting weights.
  • Set a goal for what type of muscle building you are going to start.
  • Hire a professional trainer as a beginner and design a training program with his/her help.
  • As a beginner starts with lightweight and once you become confident you can go for heavyweights.
  • Consider multiple tools available for your workout of the whole body.
  • Workout for at least 3-4 days for better results.
  • Focus on the largest muscle group while lifting weights.

Proper Nutrition 

To maximize the results of muscle building, you have to follow the proper diet plan where you can get proper nutrition important for growing muscles.

For diabetics, whether you are building muscles or not, you have to follow a strict diet plan with proper nutrition to keep away all the complications to build the muscle with diabetes.

Here I will give you an overview of how you can take care of proper nutrition in your daily diet while building muscles.

  • Protein is the most important nutrient you need for growing your muscles. So, you always have to load up on protein for growing your muscles.
  • There are several sources you can get protein from in your diet. You can include chicken, tuna, eggs, milk, cottage cheese, and whey protein as a source of protein.
  • Take good fats, fibers, and micronutrients.
  • You should always take care of your meal before and after a workout. Include high-quality meals.
  • Water is most important for your muscles recovery. You should drink water during your workout and enough water the whole day for better recovery.
  • Avoid sugary products and bad carbs.
  • You have to leave some bad habits if you are serious about building muscles like drinking alcohol and smoking.


Recovery after a workout is the most important thing for muscles and tissue repairing and muscle building. 

Lifting heavy weights breaks down your muscles and tissues which need to be repaired. So, rest and recovery is the most important part of muscles building.

Here some points are discussed below to give you a glance at how can you give rest to your muscles after your training sessions:

  • Take proper rest for at least 24-48hours for the muscles you have worked on.
  • Sleep for at least 7-8hours per day for better results.
  • Drink Plenty of water.
  • Take workout supplements guided by your trainer.
  • Remove mental stress and negativities, you are misinformed about diabetes.
  • Take proper diet and nutrition.

Benefits Of Building Muscle With Diabetes

People with diabetes are getting results from lifting weights, proper diet, and other strength training.

Muscles building makes it easy to manage diabetes and protects against complications of diabetes.

Easy to manage diabetes

Diabetes occurs when the body is unable to process glucose and use insulin efficiently but muscles building can help to conquer those issues in various ways.

  • Muscle building helps to burn up blood glucose and make the blood sugar level to normal.
  • It improves the glucose level storage in your body.
  • Helps to burn unwanted fats in the body and weight loss.
  • And targets unwanted fats in the belly.

Protects against diabetes complications

Muscles building helps you to protect yourself against some of the complications of diabetes by improving insulin health and lowering high blood sugar levels.

  • It improves heart health.
  • Boost your bone density.
  • Prevents age-related muscles loss.
  • Reduces the risk of vision loss and peripheral neuropathy.


So, reading this article gives you some self-confidence and motivation that there is nothing in this world you can’t do, what other non-diabetics are doing. 

One thing you should keep in your mind is that you are not suffering from diabetes, you are living with that.

Never get affected by others’ negative thoughts and diabetes stress. You should always be motivated and have a positive mindset.

Maintain your blood sugar level always. You have to change some of your lifestyle habits and the positive point of it is that you will live a fully disciplined life.


Stay Healthy! Stay Safe!


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